Sudan: Iran and Russia’s new Red Sea frontline
Why is Project 2025 concerned with Djibouti?
Greenland Is Not for Sale
How Justin Trudeau Alienated Canada’s Working Class
Recognizing Somaliland: A geopolitical game-changer for West Asia?
Trudeau Has Never Genuinely Cared About Migrants To Canada
Justin Trudeau’s Pivot to the Right on Immigration
Pierre Poilievre and the end of guaranteed rights and freedoms
Armenia Has Erupted in Protest Over Border Adjustments
On the Legality of Iran’s Attack
Immigration requirements for Gazans are onerous and unfair
Erdoğan Is No Friend of Palestine
Israeli Weapons Are Common to the Displacement in Nagorno-Karabakh and Gaza
Refugee Law Must Adapt to a World Where the Effects of Climate Change Rival Those of War
The West’s Double Standards in the Armenian Crisis
Armenia, Azerbaijan and another war at Europe's doorstep
The notwithstanding clause undermines Canada’s democracy
Canada should use this moment to return Crown lands to Indigenous Peoples
Police poised to be winners in Ontario election
As Refugee Law Practitioners, We Oppose Canada’s Double Standards
Why New Zealand’s “Smoking Ban” Is Harmful
Arrêtez la guerre en Ukraine
Waco Revisited: A Critique Of Violence Against New Religious Movements
Liberalism will never end Islamophobia
The Schizophrenia Coincidence: A book review of Hidden Valley Trail by Robert Kolker
Abolishing the monarchy would not end Canada's treaties with Indigenous peoples
Looking to India to Understand Race in America
Economic Justice and the Limits of the Charter
We Can't Rely on Big Tech to Stop Racism
Beyond ‘trusting the experts’ Conspiracy theories aren’t the answer, but neither is a carte blanche
Permanent peace in Serbia: Russia, Kosovo, Republika Srpska and the right to self-determination
A partner on the Adriatic: why Montenegro’s accession matters for the Balkans
Eastern Europe’s other conflict part 1: why should Moldova concern NATO?
Eastern Europe’s other conflict part 2: how can NATO prepare for conflict in Moldova?
Hate speech is not free speech: the violence of Holocaust denialism and why it should be illegal
The Trans-Nationalization of Far-Right Extremism: Ideology, Online Communication, & Black Markets
The Trans-Nationalization of Far-Right Extremism, Part 2: Potential Solutions
Crisis in Macedonia: Democracy, Geopolitics, and Ethnic Tensions
Scotland: Out of the UK and into NATO?
Conflict in the Caucasus, Part 1: Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Regional Security
Conflict in the Caucasus, Part 2: What can the Euro-Atlantic do?
Anti-Americanism in Turkey: An Opportunity for the United States
Not Georgia, Not Crimea: Ethnic Russian Discrimination In Estonia And Latvia
It Could Happen Here: The Rise of the Far-Right in Canada
The Nexus Between Ukraine, Energy Security, and Russia
The Far-Right, Not Islam, Is The Face Of Canadian Terrorism
More than Security: NATO and the Rules-Based International Order in the Post-Cold War Era
The Vote to Separate: Why States Should Allow Referendums on Independence, Even When Under No Legal
Melting Ice, Thawing Relations: How International Law Can Ensure Peace In The Arctic
Ineffective And Arbitrary: Why Canada Must Repeal The Listing Of Terrorist Groups
Legality or Justice? Why NATO Must Uphold the Responsibility to Protect, Even Without Authorization
Russian Federation No Longer: The Decline of Federalism and Autonomy in Russia
Serbian Citizenship: A Solution to the Kosovo Dispute